Professional Local family funeral directors 

At McGinn and Sons, we understand professionaly and from personal experience that arranging a funeral can be a daunting task, you can rely on us to provide you with support and guidance during this difficult time. 
Our funeral services CURRENTLY BEING UPDATED
"At McGinn and Sons, we understand that arranging a funeral can be a daunting task, please read what the families we have already helped say about us on the trusted YELL.COM"
- Diane McGinn
Our funeral services See our funeral plans

About us

 McGinn and Sons
A community  funeral directors owned and run by our family, for your family. We provide compassionate and hassle-free funeral services. We promise to advise, help and support you through this difficult time. We will help you pay a fitting tribute to your loved one.

McGinn and Sons is run by Thomas McGinn and his sister inlaw Diane McGinn.
It is us, the owners of this business with our name above the door, who live in this community, that you will be having direct contact with on a personal one to one basis. 

We are fully accredited
  • National association of Funeral Directors DIPLOMA (Dip. FD, MBIFD)

Diane McGinn, Funeral Arranger
  Diane has worked as a funeral director in the local community for the last 39 years. She has previously worked for large corporate run funeral service providers in the Wolverhampton area. Diane believes that every family is different, with different needs and wishes, she offers bespoke funeral services and helps families create a unique tribute that reflects their loved one's life, belief and personality. Diane lives with her husband, two sons and her dog Oscar.

 Thomas McGinn, Funeral Director
Thomas is focused on customer service and customer satisfaction. He has been helping to provide funeral services for a number of years. From experience he understands that losing a loved one can be devastating. He will be by your side to guide and support you before, during and after the funeral service. Thomas lives with his wife, two children and their dog Marvin.

If you wish to speak to us, call us on 01902 256 400. Or just fill in the form below or email us for assistance.

 The Simplest Funeral £1’395

The Simplest of Funerals
is a NON attended funeral and includes -
Making all necessary basic funeral arrangements & paper work.
Bringing your loved one into our personal care (within normal working hours 9-5 .
Provision of a quality but simple coffin to convey loved one to a crematorium for cremation with No Funeral Service & no family attendees.
Cremation at an available time and available local crematorium of our choosing.
Family notified as soon as possible for their collection of the ashes after the cremation has taken place.
This includes all 3rd party costs

This really is the simplest of funerals 

*No other additional services can be added to the Simplest funeral. There is no viewing prior to funeral or chapel and ashes are returned to family in a simple crematorium ashes container
“This is a NON attended direct funeral”

The Simple  £3200

The Simple is an attended funeral.

For making all the necessary basic funeral arrangements and completion of all necessary official paperwork.
to bring your loved one into our personal care within normal 9-5 working hours.
Provision of Funeral Director & Pallbearers.
Provision of Hearse to crematorium
Provision of a quality simple foil coffin.
Collection & return of ashes in simple container.
Cremation fee at Bushbury Crematorium (other crematoriums may incur an extra fee)
Doctors fee.
Includes all costs including 3rd party costs listed.
For cremation only.
No other additional services can be added to the Simple funeral.

  Traditional Funeral of choice  £2700
(not including 3rd party fees)

Create a funeral of your own choice.
Includes our professional fees for unlimited  consultation with family and all various official departments and making all the necessary arrangements for the Funeral service, liaising with all the appropriate third parties and completion of all necessary and official documents and paperwork, collection and delivery of all documents assistance with newspapers notices floral tributes and order of service.
To attend and bring your loved one into our personal care.
Hearse and one six seated limousine.
Return family to local famaly home or local wake.
Provision of Funeral Director and staff on funeral day.
Care of your loved one up to and including the day of the funeral including washing and dressing and hygienic treatment (Embalming if requested)
Use of private chapel of rest.
Collection and return of ashes.

This DOES NOT include third party costs or any additional services which are available to add on request.
This DOES NOT include a coffin of your choice.


All funeral directors are legally required to publish this Price List for a standardised set of products and services. This is to help you think through your options and make choices, and to let you compare prices between different funeral directors (because prices can vary).

ATTENDED FUNERAL (funeral director’s charges only)                                                                                                        £1’970

This is a funeral where family and friends have a ceremony, event or service for the deceased person at the same time as they attend their burial or cremation.


Taking care of all necessary legal and administrative arrangements                                                                                         £870

Collecting and transporting the deceased person from the place of death (normally within 15 miles of the funeral director’s premises) into the funeral director’s care                                                                                                                      £250

Care of the deceased person before the funeral in appropriate facilities. The deceased person will be kept at both the funeral director’s branch premises and at other non-branch premises.                                                                                   £200


Providing a suitable coffin – this will be made from oak wood veneer, six handles, six wreath holders, personalised nameplate.                                                                                                                                                                                            £400


Viewing of the deceased person for family and friends, by appointment with the funeral director (where viewing is requested by the customer)                                                                                                                                                       Included


At a date and time you agree with the funeral director, taking the deceased person direct to the agreed cemetery or crematorium (normally within 20 miles of the funeral director’s premises) in a hearse or other appropriate vehicle     £280




This is a funeral where family and friends may choose to have a ceremony, event or service for the deceased person, but they do not attend the burial or cremation itself.



Burial (funeral director’s charges only)                                                                                                                                    £1750


Cremation (funeral director’s charges plus the cremation fee)   2                                                                                        £1395





   For an Attended or Unattended burial funeral, the burial fee.[1]
In this local area, the typical cost of the burial fee for local residents is:

For a new grave, you will also need to pay for the plot; for an existing grave with a memorial in place, you may need to pay a removal/replacement fee. In addition, the cemetery may charge a number of other fees.               £1040 - To  - £1600


For an Attended cremation funeral, the cremation fee.[2]
In this local area, the typical cost of a cremation for local residents is:                                                                  £775 - to - £930



Please discuss any specific religious, belief-based and/or cultural requirements that you have with the funeral director.




This funeral director may be able to supply a range of optional, additional products and services, or to arrange (on your behalf) for a third party to supply them. Examples include:

Additional mileage (price per mile) after First 25 miles                                                                                                      £3.75per mile 


Additional transfers of the deceased person’s body (e.g. to their home, to a place of worship etc.) (price per transfer)        £300


Collection and delivery of ashes                                                                                                                                                Included (locally) 


Embalming                                                                                                                                                                                    Included


Funeral officiant (e.g. celebrant, minister of religion etc.)                                                                                  From £160 to £220

Services supplied outside of normal office hours                                                                                                 

Prices on request


The funeral director can give you a full list of what they can supply. They are likely to charge for these additional products and services, so you may choose to take care of some arrangements without their involvement, or you can use a different supplier.

  [1] 1. This fee (which is sometimes called the interment fee) is the charge made for digging and closing a new grave, or for reopening and closing an existing grave.

[2] 2. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, you will usually need to pay doctors’ fees as well. This is the charge for two doctors to sign the Medical Certificates for Cremation.

These prices are permanently displayed in our offices at all times


Locate us on the map below

"I just wanted to say thank you both so much for everything you did for my Dad Colin's Funeral. You were both lovely and supportive and of course very professional. I felt you went out of your way to keep in touch and to let us know what was going on at all times. This has been the worst time of my life as you can imagine but somehow making those hard decisions were just made a little easier, if that makes sense, in the first week with your help and advice (even though I probably changed my mind a 100 times). I know Thomas looked after my dad and I thank you for that, thanks to Diane for dealing with the endless paperwork and being so accommodating even with the whole family unexpectedly turning up to see my Dad. All the little touches like the hankies and offering an arm to walk my Mom into the wake made us feel so special and well looked after, I felt you definitely looked after us. So thank you again!"- Paula
Contact our funeral directors
01902 256 400 or email us on
Contact our funeral directors on
01902 256 400 or email us on

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